Which Footballer are you?
You have the ball in your control in the middle of a game and you see an opening. You:
Get a little close then strike the ball with tremendous power
Take smart passes back and forth with your fellow teammates and then strike
Dash quick through your opponents and try your luck up close
Take on opponents in your path with tricks and taunts then shoot
You get the chance for a free kick. You:
Curve your strike cleverly and try focusing the edge of the goal
Take a deep breath with a good posture and shoot the ball directly to the net
Strike it quick without the keeper noticing and dont think about passing
Hit it hard on the keepers side like a true forward
You accidentally get fouled by an opposing team player you immediately...
Run up to him and scream in his face with much agression
You stay on the ground and fake the hit for the free possession
You get up pissed and yell to the coach to call the foul
You get up and nod at him letting him know he did wrong
When you play, what do you like more?
How much of a football fanatic are you?
Football=My Life!!!
A lot!
A bit
Not so much
What team would you prefer a chance to play in?
Real Madrid
Ac Milan
Manchester United